July 23, 2009


Brain and I share a love of chocolate - we especially love the rich, dark variety. (That's what she said!) Once, following a nice meal, Brain introduced me to the glorious pairing of dark chocolate with a nice port. I would try to describe the taste to you, but that would be like attempting to describe the second coming of Christ, so... yeah.

I just caught wind of Askinosie Chocolate, hand-made bars of goodness created by an ex-defense attorney and based in Springfield, Illinois. Bean growers in Africa are given a share of the company's profits and Mr Askinosie works with local homeless children to teach them the joys and demands of running a successful and socially conscious business. Which, when you think about it, means that if you don't buy and consume this chocolate you're essentially giving African workers and disadvantaged American youth the middle finger. Is this actually the case? Probably not. Am I grasping for any excuse to eat artisan sweets? You betcha.

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